You probably remember me from the previous 100% attempts I did, especially the 3rd attempt in November 2015 and the 4th attempt in April 2016. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Baten Kaitos series.

I really thought that would be a low 340. I played the crap put of this game back during the GC era. Does the music keep you sane during it? Upon starting a new game in the Japanese version, the player is asked to select if they are male or female. Speedrunning leaderboards, resources, forums, and more! Great story, new and interesting combat system, thousands of hours of gameplay. Now this run is about 3 hours longer than my World Record, but it's already a massive accomplishment! However, not all of these speedrun attempts go according to plan, and that's certainly the case with the GameCube RPG Baten Kaitos. Press question mark to … So you should all be excited, because I announced that the next run will happen in September! I actually made a Pastebin dedicated for this fight, if you wanna read. I saw this thread an it reminded me to buy it, so there's me at least ). Also Known As: Baten Kaitos II: Hajimari no Tsubasa to Kamigami no Shishi (JP) Franchise: Baten Kaitos 75. Please avoid doing jokes about this run not being 100% / 2 weeks long.

And if it's to fill her decks with meats etc, that's dumb because they are slow to use. (Give me Any% if 100% isn't available) I want to try making a "Top 5 Longest JRPG Speedruns" video O r e o 3 2 1 O r e o 3 2 1 My next goal is to break the sub 339. Hi everyone! The catchphrase of Pantene, the shampoo brand marketed in Japan by P&G, is "First of all, try it for two weeks. Moderated by: Baffan Baffan, legrandgrand legrandgrand, Ascott83 Ascott83 GCN. New Baten Kaitos 100% Speedrun Attempt in December!, The entire run in itself is available on a YouTube Playlist. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. The English version skips to the naming screen and the player is always addressed as male. I thought it could help to reach sub 340, and that it would be it. We'll turn your hair into splendid hair.". I would say there are 3, but there are also heavy trolls that can make me lose a ton of time for nothing. If you read the Pastebin for the Any% FAQ (not the one I just gave you, but the one in the main post), you will see the details about how I play, and how it almost nullifies the RNG. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Speed Run ~Segment 96~ speedrun February 2016.

I've been following this run silently for a while but mad props to even put the effort in to put so much time in to this, very sick to see so much dedication to such a long run. Not even saving 1 … Introducing my fresh new Baten Kaitos 100% Speedrun World Record! Are there good resources for the run or did you do live commentary?. It is my honor to announce that Tiroloupe, a Japanese speedrunner, just completed Baten Kaitos 100% in 341:29:44! Completing a 100% speedrun of Baten Kaitos requires extreme patience and dedication. I've always thought about going back and playing it again, but it's such a grind. Yes, and I think sub 338 is the human limit. So surely the next step would be to organise a speedrun marathon around this run? We do use Kalas Xelha and Gibari during the whole run indeed, except when Kalas is away we take Lyude.